FSHN Graduate Students (Potential and Currently Admitted)
It should be noted, if a Verification Statement has already been obtained from another institution, commonly within 5 years, then Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) courses do not have to be taken during graduate coursework and the following application does not need to be filled out. This application is only to fulfill the DPD requirements within the undergraduate program while enrolled in the graduate college. Please email Dr. Jessica Madson about the dietetic internship if your DPD requirements have already been met at another institution and are planning to apply to the University of Illinois Dietetic Internship.
Please note that undergraduate dietetic students have priority in class placement. For example, FSHN 340 is reserved for Dietetic and Hospitality Management undergraduates during the school year and, oftentimes, graduate students will have to take this course over the summer.
Proficiency Credit for FSHN 101 and FSHN 150 for Graduate Students enrolled in the DPD
For concurrent application with the DPD program, applicants must already be enrolled in a thesis-based graduate program at the University of Illinois.
Please be aware that there are additional requirements besides courses to receive a Verification Statement, a document required to establish eligibility for the dietetic internship and registration examination for dietitians, at the University of Illinois. Please read the University of Illinois DPD Verification Statement before beginning the application process.
Process for Concurrent Enrollment in Didactic Program in Dietetics and UIUC Graduate School
The application process is due to the competitiveness of the dietetic internship and limited DPD course space. The concurrent DPD application has three requirements:
- Download, type, and submit the DPD/Graduate College Concurrent Application. The concurrent application should be submitted no later than one semester into the graduate program to ensure that there is ample time to complete program requirements. If applying after one semester into the graduate program, you may still apply, but expect for it to take longer to complete your graduate/DPD coursework. The application will ask for applicants to identify DPD courses already taken. Please see the DPD course requirements to cross-reference your courses for the application. Approval of courses is withheld pending review by the DPD director and relevant course instructors to ensure they are congruent with the University of Illinois DPD program.
On the application, approval from your graduate advisor to fulfill DPD requirements and certification of complete understanding of additional Verification Statement requirements must be completed for admittance.
- Submit a 300-word statement of professional interest focused on knowledge of dietetics and the reasons for choosing dietetics as a career. Use single spacing, 12-point font, and one-inch margins.
- Submit transcripts from all institutions in which DPD courses have been taken. Syllabi may be requested to ensure that the course meets the University of Illinois DPD standards.
All three parts of the application should be placed in one envelope and turned into 260 Bevier Hall with attention to the DPD director.
Graduate students are required to set up a meeting with Dr. Justine Karduck if planning on completing the DPD requirements concurrently with their graduate studies. Graduate students must complete 100 hours of work experience, (50 of them must be clinical work), and complete mentor meetings every semester similar to the undergraduate students in the DPD Program