What are some of your favorite responsibilities in your current role?
My role is very dynamic and my favorite part in a sense is that aspect but if I pinned one piece down it would be the development and innovation side of things. I love creating something new and the puzzle involved to “perfecting” it.
What other professional experiences have you had and what did you learn from those experiences?
My other professional experience was at a start up in Boulder called Know Brainer. It was very small scale so I learned a lot about the roots and wore multiple hats during my short time there. Overall, the experience showed how quickly the small food world can get complicated with manufacturing regulations and general food regulations.
What is your favorite hobby and why does that hobby bring you joy?
My favorite hobby is snowboarding. Fresh mountain air and smiles on everyone’s faces while we all share an experience is a mix of pure bliss and presence! Limited cell service means being very present with your friends as well as in what you’re doing.
What drew you to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Master of Science in Food Science Program that is delivered online?
In a sense, that hobby drew me to the online learning. I’d just moved to Colorado with the intention of going to physical therapy school but after realizing that wasn’t my passion and Food Science was, I still wanted to stay for the snow. Therefore, I looked into online options so I could maintain mountain access but also study my academic and career passion.
How has the program assisted you in achieving your professional goals?
This program has provided extensive knowledge and resources that have given me a better understanding of the macro scale in food science down to the nano scale. Thanks to Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Master of Science in Food Science Program I have been able to develop products and troubleshoot any issues with critical thinking that is science based. It’s been great noticing my breadth of knowledge expand over time between the job experience and academic learnings. The program has added to my confidence to speak about food technically and that goes a long way in career development.
What is one piece of advice that you could give to prospective or current students to help them succeed in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Master of Science in Food Science Program that is delivered online?
My one piece of advice would be to make sure you balance your work loads. If you want to attend lecture, study, work full time, sleep enough, have a social life, and maintain hobbies.. woof. Make sure you know your limits. I personally thrive in a bit of chaos and crunch time but this may cause anxiety for others. Know yourself and what is best for success on all fronts.