FSHN Business Office


Not sure which staff member to contact? Check out the FSHN Business Office Profiles


Lab Safety Training

The Division of Research Safety’s on-line training is a mandatory requirement established by the University for all new employees or students working in research labs that have or use biological, chemical or radiological materials.

If you are a new employee or student working in such a lab, please follow the instructions found here.



To obtain keys, your faculty advisor must email the following information to Victoria Price at vprice2@illinois.edu and cc the student.

  • Building(s) that student needs access to
  • Specific room number that student needs access to. Please include building name so that proper key is given.

Victoria will send an email when the keys are ready for pickup from the FSHN Business Office located in Bevier 260.




Work with FSHN Accounting fshn-accounting@illinois.edu for travel and purchase reimbursements.


The following forms can be found here: https://wiki.illinois.edu/wiki/display/FSD

  • Request to Travel (RAT)
  • Travel Reimbursement Form
  • Purchasing Support Form (PSF)

All forms should be submitted to FSHN Accounting in one of the following ways:

  • Drop off documents at the main FSHN Business Office located in Bevier 260
  • Put documents in the Accounting mailbox located in Bevier 268.

IT Services

Make sure you have access to your Illinois email account even if you forward your mails to a personal account. Some internal University emails may not get forwarded properly.

If you require access to department files and devices, please ask your faculty advisor to send a request to ds-ccsg@illinois.edu.

For department related IT issues, please reach out at:

Bevier Hall 158



There are a lot of important details involved in earning a graduate degree. The department handbook provides vital information about the process of earning a graduate degree in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition. The most recent handbook contains the most up to date information about procedures and processes.

If you are checking degree requirements, you are governed by the handbook that was in effect for the semester that you first enrolled in the program, but the procedures in the most recent handbook apply to all students.

The Illinois Graduate College Handbook covers policies and procedures that pertain to all Graduate Students.


FSHN Graduate Student Association (GSA)


The FSHN GSA is the organization for all FSHN Department graduate students. If you are a graduate student in our department, you are automatically a member!

What is FSHN GSA?

New Graduate Student Resources Packet tips and tricks to navigate campus and the surrounding community.


Graduate Employees’ Organization (GEO)

GEO Mission Statement: The GEO works to find common ground among all graduate employees, regardless of race, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, citizenship status, department, job category, or membership in the union. Membership in the GEO is, and will remain, voluntary.

The GEO strives to be inclusive and open to all graduate employees, operate along democratic principles, act always in the best interests of graduate employees, and act responsibly toward the entire university community.

You can find out more information about the GEO by visiting their website at https://www.uiucgeo.org/