Below are courses that have been offered in the past and will possibly be scheduled for future semesters. Please see the course catalog for current course offerings.

FSHN 422 – Introduction to Personalized Nutrition
Explores the role of genetics and epigenetics in nutrition as a basis for differential responses of individuals to diet. Students will learn about how epigenetics and genetic variation affects individualistic responses to food and nutrients, and they will also learn about how food affects gene expression. Topics include genetics, epigenetics, and nutrigenetics; variation in taste, food selection, and eating behaviors; personalized nutrition; food intolerance and metabolic disorders; genetic variation in gut microbiota. This course is appropriate for students who wish to learn how to develop of better food products, optimize nutritional counseling, improve individualize diets, and better understand how to apply nutritional advice for the public generally. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: FSHN 120 or FSHN 220 and CHEM 101; or consent of instructor.

FSHN 426 – Biochemical Nutrition I
The dietary and hormonal regulation of carbohydrate, lipid and amino acid metabolism. Emphasizes the regulation of enzyme activity and the different roles the major organs have in whole animal energy balance. Same as NUTR 426. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: FSHN 220; or FSHN 120 and FSHN 414.

FSHN 440 Applied Statistical Methods
Statistical methods involving relationships between populations and samples; collection, organization, and analysis of data; and techniques in testing hypotheses with an introduction to regression, correlation, and analyses of variance limited to the completely randomized design and the randomized complete-block design. Prerequisite: Algebra. 4 hours.

FSHN 464 Beverage Science & Technology
Explores the research, science and technology of the production of safe, high-quality beverages through the application of food chemistry, food microbiology, and food processing principles. 2 hours.

FSHN 469 Package Engineering
Cross-disciplinary study of the materials, machinery, research, design, techniques, environmental considerations, ethics and economics used in the global packaging industry with emphasis on the implementation of improved technologies for the problems unique to food packaging. An emphasis on the broad, systems-based nature of packaging will be maintained throughout the course. Prerequisite: chemistry, physics, calculus. 3 hours.

FSHN 480 – Basic Toxicology
Emphasizes basic toxicology principles and the pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs, non-nutrient dietary supplements and other compounds foreign to the body. Toxic effects on major target organ systems are discussed, including an introduction to how foreign compounds can initiate, enhance or prevent the carcinogenic process. Briefly surveys diverse areas of toxicology such as eco-, nano-, forensic, genetic, nutritional, clinical and reproductive toxicology; review the federal regulatory aspects of safety assessment and consumer protection. Prerequisite: Biochemistry - MCB 450 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. 3 hours.

FSHN 514 – Advanced Food Chemistry
Emerging issues related to the chemistry of water, carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, as well as postharvest physiology and impact of processing on chemical reactions in foods. Prerequisite: Organic CHEM 232, or equivalent.

Notes: Starting fall 2021, the general Food Chemistry course will be offered as FSHN 514 – Advanced food chemistry. This course is intended for students who did not complete a general food chemistry course (e.g., FSHN 414) as an undergraduate student or during their graduate degree curriculum. A general food chemistry course is a programmatic requirement if a general food chemistry course has not been completed, yet.

FSHN 471 Food and Industrial Microbiology
Relationship of microorganisms to food manufacture and preservation, to industrial fermentation and processing, and to sanitation. Prerequisite: Organic chemistry and experimental microbiology. 3 hours.

FSHN 502 Advanced Sensory Science
In-depth and current topics in sensory science beyond the scope of undergraduate sensory course, FSHN 302. The main course objectives are to 1) discuss the physiological and psychological basis for sensory evaluation, 2) discuss Thurstonian Modeling in Difference Tests, 3) utilize multivariate statistical methods in sensory studies, 4) critique current research papers and articles in the sensory science discipline, and 5) develop a proposal for research utilizing sensory methods. 3 hours.

FSHN 517 Fermented and Distilled Beverages
The production technology, microbiology and chemistry (including the compositional chemistry, flavor chemistry, and chemistry of aging) of fermented and distilled beverages. Prerequisite: Graduate student status, or a food microbiology course and a food chemistry or biochemistry course. 2 hours.

FSHN 518 Chemistry of Lipids in Foods
Detailed examination of the chemical and physical properties of lipids in foods. Prerequisite: food chemistry. 3 hours.

FSHN 519 Flavor Chemistry & Analysis
Provides graduate students with the tools and understanding necessary for the study of complex food flavor systems. Students will learn: 1) modern techniques of analysis used in the chemical evaluation of food flavor systems, 2) acceptable techniques for the sensory evaluation of food flavor, 3) approaches for combined sensory-analytical evaluation of food flavor and 4) principles of food flavor chemistry with emphasis places on some well-understood flavor systems. 4 hours.

FSHN 598 Advanced Special Problems
Supervised research on special problems in Food Science. Project must be approved by topic advisor prior to the beginning of the semester.

FSHN 595 Food Science Advanced Topics

Detailed lectures and/or laboratory studies of selected topics in Food Science. Study may be specialized topics in anyone of the following fields: (A) Food Chemistry; (B) Food Microbiology; (C) Nutrition; (D) Food Processing/Engineering. 1 to 4 hours. Topics to be offered include (but are not limited to):

Food Safety for Global Food Security
How can food safety promote the availability and access of culturally appropriate foods for all people? Students will explore that question by engaging with literature on the burden of foodborne disease, risk assessment and management technologies, and commodity specific food safety risks. This course will focus on readings of primary and secondary literature, in-class discussions and exercises to evaluate the literature, and structured writing assignments to apply those concepts to current problems in food safety. 3 hours.

Nano & Applications Food Science
This course will cover the fundamentals of nanotechnology, including its basic principles, synthesis methods, characterization approaches, applications, and public perceptions, with an emphasis on its applications in the field of food science. 3 hours.

Nutrition for Health & Fitness
Students will examine macro- and micro-nutrient needs, energy systems, nutrition and sport supplements, weight management, health enhancement and disease prevention. The course will emphasize nutrients and food components available or in development designed to enhance health and sport performance with a focus on how to integrate this information into food science industries. Produce & Vegetable Technology. Students will explore the safety and utilization of fruit and vegetable raw materials from harvest to incorporation into a final consumable good. 3 hours.

Water Relations in Foods
Advanced study of the behavior of water and solids in ingredient and real foods systems, specifically in relation to food safety and stability. Major topics covered include properties of water, water activity,, water mobility, and solids mobility (e.g., the glass transition). Practical techniques to measure these parameters, including sorption isotherms, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging, and differential scanning calorimetry, are discussed in detail. 4 hours.