The FSHN Food Contest is divided into four categories, one for each of the majors in the Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition, within the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois.

The contest is only for fall 2025 admitted students. Admitted students submit one contest entry and the entry must be submitted to their admitted major food category.  Read about the descriptions of the challenges below, and see the rules for and the deadlines for the current academic year. 

The 6th Annual FSHN Food Challenge for admitted freshmen is open!
Each product entry must feature at least one of three flour ingredients provided by Illinois Sustainable Food Project.
• Soft Red Winter Wheat
• Illinois Blue Corn
• White Long Grain Fancy Rice

2025 Categories


Dietetics & Nutrition - “Tasty Low or No Food”

  • Entries must include a photo, clearly written recipe*, and less than 150-word description of a product meeting ONE of the following criteria: 
    • Low calorie (40 calories or less per serving)
    • Low fat (3 grams or less per serving)
    • Low sodium (140 mg or less per serving)
    • No added sugars (no sugar or sugar-containing ingredient added during the processing or packing of the food).
  • Entries must include a nutrition analysis of the overall recipe highlighting the “low” or “no” section.  The nutrient analysis of the recipe can be completed on any online or app calculator.
  • Entries will be judged for clarity of the recipe, must meet one of the above “low or no” conditions per the provided nutrient analysis of the recipe, and must be perceived as tasty by the judge.

Food Science - “2 Weeks on the Shelf”

  • Entries must include a photo, clearly written recipe*, and less than 150-word description of the product including your inspiration for creating it and why you believe it will be shelf-stable for two weeks.
  • Entries will be judged for clarity of recipe, uniqueness, and likelihood of remaining edible for two weeks.

Hospitality Management - “From Plate to Pixel”

  • Entries must include a clearly written recipe*, a well-styled photo of the food created using the recipe, and less than 150-word description explaining how you prepared your food for presentation.
  • Entries will be judged for clarity of recipe (see below) and photo presentation of finished product.

Nutrition & Health - “Healthy eating on a budget challenge”

  • Entries must include a photo and clearly written recipe* for a food product that is healthy and costs less than $2.60 per serving.  Include a less than 150-word description of product including a discussion of how the product meets the challenge of eating healthy on a budget.
  • The entry must include a nutrient analysis of the recipe, which can be completed on any online or app calculator.
  • Entries will be judged for an engaging description of the food’s significance, clarity of the recipe, and presentation of the finished product.
Congratulations to all the 2024 Food Challenge winners!
"I" Catching Carrot Cake by Abigail Arnold
"I" Catching Carrot Cake by Abigail Arnold

Congratulations to Abigail Arnold for entering "I" Catching Carrot Cake in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Dietetics for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Dietetics was “Tasty No or Low Food”.

Vegan PB&J Breakfast Muffins by Alexandra  Henry
Vegan PB&J Breakfast Muffins by Alexandra  Henry

Congratulations to Alexandra  Henry for entering Vegan PB&J Breakfast Muffins #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Dietetics for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Dietetics was “Tasty No or Low Food”.

Mini apple pie tacos by Ava Relihan
Mini apple pie tacos by Ava Relihan

Congratulations to Ava Relihan for entering Mini apple pie tacos in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Dietetics for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Dietetics was “Tasty No or Low Food”.

Low-sodium Carrot Cake Muffins by Avery Kyburz
Low-sodium Carrot Cake Muffins by Avery Kyburz

Congratulations to Avery Kyburz for entering Low-sodium Carrot Cake Muffins in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Dietetics for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Dietetics was “Tasty No or Low Food”.

Orange & Illinois Blue Corn Tamales by Cassandra Correa
Orange & Illinois Blue Corn Tamales by Cassandra Correa

Congratulations to Cassandra Correa for entering Orange & Illinois Blue Corn Tamales in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Dietetics for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Dietetics was “Tasty No or Low Food”.

Blue Corn Tex Mex Waffles by Gabriella Humphrey
Blue Corn Tex Mex Waffles by Gabriella Humphrey

Congratulations to Gabriella Humphrey for entering Blue Corn Tex Mex Waffles in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Dietetics for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Dietetics was “Tasty No or Low Food”.

Low Fat Red Wheat Flatbreads w/Tomato Salsa and Balsamic Glaze by Maddie Rankin
Low Fat Red Wheat Flatbreads w/Tomato Salsa and Balsamic Glaze by Maddie Rankin

Congratulations to Maddie Rankin for entering Low Fat Red Wheat Flatbreads w/Tomato Salsa and Balsamic Glaze in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Dietetics for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Dietetics was “Tasty No or Low Food”.

Dark Chocolate Pistachio Biscotti by Natalie Kitner
Dark Chocolate Pistachio Biscotti by Natalie Kitner

Congratulations to Natalie Kitner for entering  Dark Chocolate Pistachio Biscotti  in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Food Science for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for FS was “2 Weeks on the Shelf”.

Blue Corn Tortillas by Caitlyn DeFreezer
Blue Corn Tortillas by Caitlyn DeFreezer

Congratulations to Caitlyn DeFreezer for entering Blue Corn Tortillas in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Hospitality Management for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Hospitality Management was “From Plate to Pixel”.

Pumpkin Muffins w/Pumpkin Spiced Crumble and Maple Glaze by Caleb Vogel
Pumpkin Muffins w/Pumpkin Spiced Crumble and Maple Glaze by Caleb Vogel

Congratulations to Caleb Vogel for entering Pumpkin Muffins w/Pumpkin Spiced Crumble and Maple Glaze in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Hospitality Management for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Hospitality Management was “From Plate to Pixel”.

Fancy Banana Pancakes by Gianna Palladino
Fancy Banana Pancakes by Gianna Palladino

Congratulations to Gianna Palladino for entering Fancy Banana Pancakes in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Hospitality Management for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Hospitality Management was “From Plate to Pixel”.

Illinois Blue Cornbread Scones by Shannon Walgren
Illinois Blue Cornbread Scones by Shannon Walgren

Congratulations to Shannon Walgren for entering Illinois Blue Cornbread Scones in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Hospitality Management for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Hospitality Management was “From Plate to Pixel”.

Crispy Egg and Chive Dumplings by Ivy Lin
Crispy Egg and Chive Dumplings by Ivy Lin

Congratulations to Ivy Lin for entering Crispy Egg and Chive Dumplings in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Human Nutrition for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Human Nutrition was “Healthy Eating on a Budget”.

Eggless Banana Bread by Michelle Zhou
Eggless Banana Bread by Michelle Zhou

Congratulations to Michelle Zhou for entering Eggless Banana Bread in the #FSHNFoodChallenge and being awarded a scholarship in Human Nutrition for the 2024-2025 academic year. The theme for Human Nutrition was “Healthy Eating on a Budget”.